Britax Romer Two Way Elite CDH modified Hip Spica Car Seat 9-25KG
Same day dispatch available on all orders placed before 10am Monday to Friday only.
Please add a note in the cart if you'll be returning your hire from a different location to delivery.
If you require your delivery before 10:30 or 12:00, please ask for a quote. If you are staying at an Airbnb we can also send items to any DPD drop shop in the UK.
Start Date = The date you want the item to arrive with you by.
End Date = The day you return the item.
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Full product description
Britax Romer Hip Spica Car Seat Hire
This seat is specifically adapted for children who are fitted with a Hip Spica cast. It is important that the seat is used rearward facing when in its adapted form as this significantly reduces the load weight on both the child and the harness in the event of an accident.
Please see our long term rentals if you require the seat on a long term basis!
The seat comes delivered to you in its fully adapted form.
- Installation with 3-point seat belt.
- 5-point safety harness.
- Must be used rear-facing when the child is in the cast/brace.
- Height adjustable harness – 3 settings.
- Recline function available.
- Rear-facing tether straps supplied.
- Can be used rearward facing to 25kg fitted using either lap and diagonal belt or just the lap belt.
- For children under 3 years old the additional head support is recommended.