Joolz Aer for Age 6 Months Upwards
Same day dispatch available on all orders placed before 10am Monday to Friday only.
Please add a note in the cart if you'll be returning your hire from a different location to delivery.
If you require your delivery before 10:30 or 12:00, please ask for a quote. If you are staying at an Airbnb we can also send items to any DPD drop shop in the UK.
Start Date = The date you want the item to arrive with you by.
End Date = The day you return the item.
Please note that we are not in any way affiliated with this brand. The name of this company, as well as related names, marks, emblems, brands, and images, are registered trademarks of its respective owner.
Full product description
Joolz Aer Pushchair Hire - Age 6 Months Upwards
The Joolz Aer Pushchair makes travel as light and easy as possible, thanks to the weight of only 6.1kg - featuring a shoulder strap, the Joolz Aer gives you the opportunity to be hands-free to carry your baby. When travelling you can rest assured that the pushchair will fit easily into an aeroplane's overhead compartments making life incredibly easy.
The ergonomic thinking is what makes the Joolz Aer so unique, with its super comfortable seat that keeps your little one safe and happy when you're out on adventures.
Joolz Aer can fold and unfold in seconds, simply push the button and it pops up then you can fold it down effortlessly with one hand and the automatic transport lock keeps it folded.
- Shoulder strap
- One button fold
- Car seat compatible
- 5 point safety harness
- Leatherette handlebar
- Water-repellent fabrics
- Compact + ergonomic
- Large UPF 50+ sun hood
- Lightweight with great ventilation
- Colour may vary
- Cabin size, it is recommended to check with your airline prior to travel