Joie Tilt 0- 4 Years Car Seat
Same day dispatch available on all orders placed before 10am Monday to Friday only.
Please add a note in the cart if you'll be returning your hire from a different location to delivery.
If you require your delivery before 10:30 or 12:00, please ask for a quote. If you are staying at an Airbnb we can also send items to any DPD drop shop in the UK.
Start Date = The date you want the item to arrive with you by.
End Date = The day you return the item.
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Full product description
Joie Tilt Car Seat Hire for 0-4 Years
A comfy travel buddy designed to grow from 0-4 years (birth to 18g).
Can be used both - forward and rear facing. It can be reclined to suit nap time or positioned upright so the baby can look out of the window. The 2-piece full padded support provides comfort and security for the baby and is adjustable.
Its 5-point harness keeps baby's hips and body positioned safely in the middle of the seat at all times, and includes one-pull tensioning adjustment of the harness. Colours may vary.
- Car seat group 0 plus and 1.
- Suitable for children from birth to 18kg.
- Suitable for children approximately birth to 4 years of age.
- Forward and rear facing.
Attachment method:
- Not ISOFIX compatible.
- Seat attachment method: 3 point seat belt.
- ECE R44.04 compliant.
- Side impact protection - helps to absorb the force of a side on collision.
- Only use in front seat if there is no active air bag.
- 5 point harness.
- One pull harness adjustment.
- Body support cushions for younger children.
- Adjustable head support.
- Multi-recline - 4 recline positions.
General information:
- Size H49.2, W42, D61.6cm.
- Weight 6.1kg.