Micro Scooter - Festival Wagon with Removable Sunroof
Same day dispatch available on all orders placed before 10am Monday to Friday only.
Please add a note in the cart if you'll be returning your hire from a different location to delivery.
If you require your delivery before 10:30 or 12:00, please ask for a quote. If you are staying at an Airbnb we can also send items to any DPD drop shop in the UK.
Start Date = The date you want the item to arrive with you by.
End Date = The day you return the item.
Please note that we are not in any way affiliated with this brand. The name of this company, as well as related names, marks, emblems, brands, and images, are registered trademarks of its respective owner.
Full product description
At a glance
Wagon Weight
Max Load
50kg / 7st 12lbs
Size of Wagon
90 x 48 x 58cm
Wheel Size
A true all rounder. For the best outdoor adventures. Whether you are festival going, family picnicking or working in the garden. Our super strong Wagon folds easily for storage with a protective cover. The height adjustable handlebar makes steering easier and 360-degree rotating front wheels allow for optimal manoeuvring, with 210mm PE wheels that roll smoothly and stable over gravel and paving stones.
The Micro Wagon comes complete with a removable sunroof and a cool bag, so your snacks and drinks stay cool, even on warm summer days. The interior floor can be removed for easy cleaning. Max load 50kg.