MobiQuip XL Pushchair, Special Needs Buggy, Disability Pushchair for Older Child
Same day dispatch available on all orders placed before 10am Monday to Friday only.
Please add a note in the cart if you'll be returning your hire from a different location to delivery.
If you require your delivery before 10:30 or 12:00, please ask for a quote. If you are staying at an Airbnb we can also send items to any DPD drop shop in the UK.
Start Date = The date you want the item to arrive with you by.
End Date = The day you return the item.
Please note that we are not in any way affiliated with this brand. The name of this company, as well as related names, marks, emblems, brands, and images, are registered trademarks of its respective owner.
Full product description
Disability Pushchair Hire
MobiQuip XL disability pushchairs for children are specifically designed strollers for children with special needs.
- This large pushchair is ideal for older kids with a robust but lightweight aluminium frame.
- Puncture free solid tyres, manoeuvrable front swivel wheels and easy to fold down umbrella style buggy. Compact and easily transportable for getting out and about.
- The MobiQuip XL is a special needs pushchair that can grow with your child to 10 years old or up to 50kg in body weight.
- This disability buggy features a 5 point adjustable harness for safety and postural support, adjustable footplate to suit the leg length of your child and parking brake.
- Colour varies, please advise if you have a preference!
- Comes with the footplate only as standard.